Options to customize for the web widget



Frode Fuglestad

3 years ago

Two improvements to the web widget

- darkMode: true/false (light or dark theme)

- open/close button style icons: custom text/emoji support
(or just a text and a large set of possible icon options listed in your docs site),

an option to define the color of the button could also make sense,
(imagine if someone have a blue-ish background/footer)



Emil Bryggare

3 years ago

Yes, we received that feedback from several customers lately and will be able to prioritize this in the coming weeks.

The first customizations will be basic and related to colors and text content. All your suggestions make total sense, we just have to see what parts to prioritize first. I'll update this post with more details when we know more.


Emil Bryggare changed the status to Planned

3 years ago


Emil Bryggare changed the status to In Progress

3 years ago


Emil Bryggare

3 years ago

We just added the ability to customize the button color for the widget. The docs for the widget are updated with these changes, see the section "Custom color for widget icon" at https://convas.io/docs/widget.


Emil Bryggare changed the status to Planned

last year

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